Having problems with your Ford T45 5 speed manual transmission, need parts?  These quality Ford T45 manual transmission parts, rebuild kits and overhaul kits are designed to fordt45_large.jpgbe top of the line overhaul kits. We have include information on how to identify individual transmissions, application information, model year, detailed kit and part availability by transmission type. Typically used in Ford Mustang 5 speed applications.

Different overhaul kits are available depending on the extent of the overhaul that you planning, the contents of the kits are described as follows:

  • DTSBKXXX Kits (RWD): Main case bearings, gaskets, seals. You may also want to add new bearing retainer, nuts, dogs & wires, extension housing bushing, small parts kit, shifter bushings. Syncro rings are not included in these kits.

  • DTSBKXXXWS Kits (RWD): Main case bearings, gaskets, seals. You may also want to add bearing retainer, nuts, dogs & wires, extension housing bushing, small parts kit, shifter bushings. Syncro rings are included in these kits.

  • Information and parts are provide for the following Transmission: Borg Warner Car T45 5 Speed (RWD) , an illustrated parts drawing is also provided.

IDENTIFICATION - 5 speed with synchronized reverse. Case casting #13-81. Only used in the following applications:

Ford Mustang GT

4.6 Liter 1996-2000

Ford Mustang Cobra

4.6 Liter 1996-2000


Ford T45 Overhaul Kit Products 

Please click Part Number To buy it 

  Part Number
Your Cost
Rebuild Kit  


  DTSBK250 Kit includes all major bearings, gaskets and seals - aluminum case, cast "1381" - roller rear counter bearing (F-92214)


  DTSBK250WS Same kit as above plus syncro rings  $430.82
  DTSBK250A Kit includes all major bearings, gaskets and seals - aluminum case, cast "1381" - closed roller rear counter bearing with oil feeder (FC67859)  $206.86
  DTSBK250AWS Same kit as above plus syncro rings  $482.02
Syncro Ring Kit  


  TRSSRK250 Syncro Ring Kit 6 pieces  1996-2000


Miscellaneous Kits  


  ALT1381-410-002 Reverse Mainshaft Shim Kit


  ALTT56-K1, T56-K3, T5WC-K3 1-2, 3-4, 5-R Key/Spring Kit


  ALT207, T85-62, 1695C Rear Extension Housing Bushing/Bearing & Seal replacement Kit


  ALT1381-410-001 Countershaft Shim Kit


Miscellaneous Parts  


Drawing Reference Number  


2 ALT1381-171-001 Mainshaft 24 3/4", 31 spline


2.5 ALT1386-590-001 3-4 Syncro Assembly


6 ALT1386-034-006 Input Quill/Tube


8 ALT1381-077-001 Cluster Shaft


11 ALT1381-083-001 3rd Gear 32T


12 ALT1381-081-001 1st Gear 37T


16 ALT1381-085-001 Input Shaft


18 ALT1381-070-001 5th Gear Main Shaft 31T


19 ALT1381-086-001 Counter Shaft 5th


21 ALT1381-082-001 2nd Gear 35T


23 ALT1381-596-001 1-2 Fork


23A ALT1381-596-002 3-4 Fork


23B ALT1381-596-003 5-R Fork, Medium Throw (gold stripe)


23B ALT1381-596-005 5-R Fork, Long Throw (blue stripe)


23B ALT1381-596-006 5-R Fork, Short Throw (green stripe)


36 ALT1381-088-001 Reverse. Main Shaft Gear


40 ALT1381-590-001 5-R Syncro Assembly


80 ALT1386-590-001 1-2 Syncro Assembly


106 ALT1386-525-006 1-2 Syncro Inner Friction


114 ALT1381-590-002 Reverse Syncro Assembly


128 ALT1381-088-002 Reverse C/S Gear, 14t


114 ALT1381-590-002 Reverse Mainshaft Syncro Assembly


$25.00 minimum purchase