Kia Manual Transmission Rebuild Kits

Kia KM304 Manual Transmission Rebuild Kit                Kia M5TX Manual Transmission Rebuild Kit

Kia KSO54W Manual Transmission Rebuild Kit            Kia Getrag Manual Transmission Rebuild Kit

Having problems with you Kia manual transmission time for an overhaul?  Need parts?  We offer a complete line of manual transmission rebuild kits and parts for the following Kia models Optima, Rio and Rio Cinco, Sephia, Sportage Sport, Sorrento and Spectra. These are quality kits assembled to include the replacement parts you need to overhaul your manual transmission.  In addition to bearings, gaskets and seal kits we offer syncro rings Kia Manual Bearing Syncro Kitand other hard parts that you may need.  In some cases we can supply good used parts, these parts are inspected, give us a call 800-216-1632 and let us help save you some money! 

Parts are available for the following Kia model transmissions: KM304, M5TX, KSO54W and Getrag.

Kia illustrated parts drawings are available to help identify the parts you might need.

Kits are available for Kia Optima, Rio and Rio Cinco, Sephia, Sportage Sport, Sorrento and Spectra.  To find detailed parts information select a Kia model from the table below, then locate the number of cylinders, engine size, and model year of your vehicle, selecting the link "see detailed list" will provide a detailed list of parts available for your transmission.

  4 cyl 2.4L KM304 2001-on 5spd, FWD Mitsubishi built See Detailed List
RIO and RIO CINCO      
  4cyl 1.5L M5TX 2001 5spd, FWD, alum. case, black tin rear cover - 19.25mm wide rear pinion bearing DTS-BK431 Call
  4cyl   M5TX 2001-04 5spd, FWD, alum. case, black tin rear cover - 22mm wide rear pinion bearing DTS-BK431 Call
  4cyl 1.6L M5TX 1994-97 5spd, FWD, alum. case, black tin rear cover - sealed input ball bearing See Detailed List
  4cyl 1.8L M5TXA 1994-01 5spd, FWD, alum. case, black tin rear cover - tapered input bearing See Detailed List
  6 cyl 3.5L KSO54W 2004-on 5spd, FWD DTS-BK482 Call
  4 cyl 1 .8L KSP5FW 2000-on 5spd, FWD See Detailed List
  4 cyl 2.0L Getrag 1995-02 5spd, RWD or 4WD, Getrag design, alum. case DTS-BK421 Call